Oct 23, 2018
Today I’m talking about self care. Now before you roll your eyes (I do too) there’s such a bit misconception about self care and what it is. Self care is a necessary function that we all need in our lives. In this fast paced world we seem to forget to put ourselves first. “You cannot pour from an empty cup” You...
Oct 15, 2018
We all have times when anxiety is in our life. I want you to begin to consider that everyone feels anxious from time to time. I know that often people feel like it’s just them. The key to helping you overcome anxiety is recognising it’s there. Anxiety is worrying or a feeling of unease, fear or worry. All of us can...
Oct 8, 2018
Resilience is all about our ability to bounce back from challenges, difficulties and set backs in life. This week I talk about how you can ramp up your resilience to be able to deal with all that life throws at us. - Assess the situation - Check out the emotions, thoughts and feelings and what to do with them. - Look...
Oct 1, 2018
If you struggle with confidence or don’t always feels confident then this episode will be helpful for you. Your self-confidence (or lack of it) isn’t written in stone. You can learn, increase, practice self-confidence such like any other skill. Once you increase your self-confidence your life will seem so much...
Sep 24, 2018
What do we do when a Fear of Rejection stops us from moving forward and achieving? When we have a fear of rejection it can prevent us applying for jobs, asking for a pay-rise, sharing information about our work, promoting ourselves, giving an opinion …. the list is endless. Book a call with Emma to discuss how this...