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Jul 30, 2018

There are people you spend time with who leave you feeling drained and others who leave you warm and comforted. Emma refers to these as drains and radiators. Listen as she talks about the different types of people who leave you drained. They might be negative, victims, moaning or "opera singers". Emma shares how she got...

Jul 23, 2018

Whether you have children or not, you're going to want time off and need to find the balance from work, business, home. This week Emma talks through a variety of mindset changes and strategy tips to help you enjoy time off. Remember you are doing your best so be kind to yourself. Look at where you're putting pressure on...

Jul 16, 2018

This week Emma tackles the subject of Overwhelm. It's a fast paced world with tons of stimulation so how do we handle it when you feel you just can't cope or you're head is so full you can't think straight. She covers how to recognise when you're overwhelmed by noticing - what's going on in your body - what happens in...

Jul 9, 2018

When doubts run through our minds it can drag us down and have us feeling negative, fed-up and definitely not at our best. Self doubt can hold us back in just one area, or many areas of our lives. It can be quite draining. Here Emma runs through 5 steps that you can do to shift those self doubts and build into more...

Jul 1, 2018

Emma talks about her favourite subject of Boundaries. How you can create effective business boundaries in your work and life. It's not just a set a rules. Emma regularly hears from clients who • feeling like they’re working all the time, • needing to respond to people or emails quickly, or at ridiculous hours of...