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Jan 30, 2020

Today we’re going to explore leadership habits - the routines and disciplines we all have that either help or hinder our leadership impact.

"The good news is that leadership is a set of skills and behaviours that we can all learn and develop."

Leadership is what we do every day that helps us to achieve results...

Jan 23, 2020

On this episode I'm talking about 3 key things I believe are necessary for a good leadership mindset.

I ask some questions so that you can consider some of your thinking styles and the patterns in the way your mind works.  

I talk about how you can train yourself to be more optimistic and more positive and we really can...

Jan 16, 2020

This week I'm talking about how to boost your mood.

The third Monday of January is known as Blue Monday - the most depressing day of the year apparently!  This is because Christmas is over, the credit card bills come in and often there's not much to look forward to.  Sounds a bit doom and gloom doesn't it.

These three...

Jan 9, 2020

This episode will be helpful if you are wondering whether to invest in yourself or if you want to build a case for your manager as to why you need some leadership development or if you want to build a case to get funds to pay for attending my conference.

Tickets available at

Why should we...

Jan 2, 2020

Is this the right time to make new year resolutions?  This is something Emma talks about a lot - is the New Year the best time for change?

If you struggle with motivation in these dark months and short days, then maybe this is not the right time.  If you feel obliged and that you 'must' or 'should' then it might not be...