Nov 15, 2020
Kindness is not about being weak and fluffy!
This week I'm sharing how kindness increases morale and raises self esteem and so it has a positive impact on mood and performance.
I also share how the contagious effect of kindness works so that you get increase performance as well as a happier workforce.
If you're a leader, manager or don't even have a team, then keep listening as there are also a few words specifically for you too – so even if you don’t have a team – it’s well worth a listen!
When we have so much going on in our lives and we are all dealing with (or even struggling) with the effects of the pandemic it can be easy to forget to be kind and instead be focussing on what's urgent or not's going well.
I talk in more detail some of the themes I've been seeing and hearing with the organisations I've been working with.
They've been asking me to delivery virtual workshops on
and many more.
When other witness acts of kindness, or experience it for themselves it increases the feel good chemicals and positivity.
When we create a work environment where thank you’s and well done are common place then it models and encourages others to do the same.
Listen in for specific ways and easy ideas on how you can boost the mood and raise positivity levels in the workplace and within teams.
I give a great example of where my daughter was given thanks and was left confused, rather than uplifted. So that's one to avoid!!
We're often good at beating ourselves up and talking negatively to ourselves. So I want to ensure that you are kind to yourself.
Think about the words that you say and the things that you do and then listen in to the top tips of how you can boost your own feel-good chemicals and performance.
Find out the one crucial thing I insist you take OFF your to-do list.
If you are struggling, then do reach out to me, a friend or someone else.
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If you want to be increasing your performance or that of your teams so that you’re more resilient in these current times, so that you can focus easily, use tools and techniques to deal with all the current and unknown challenges then make sure that you either drop me an email to . Or head over to my website and you can find the contact page and either send me a email from there or book an appointment straight into my diary.