Nov 5, 2020
As we enter into Lockdown 2 in England and if you’re else where then you’re probably already experiencing more severe restrictions. After going through a first stage lockdown in the summer, you or your employees are now feeling more stressed and anxious than ever before with worries about what will happen, will they cope, will it only be a month.
We've also seen a rise in publicity around the detrimental effects of the pandemic on mental health and wellbeing. This makes it both informative and sometimes slightly alarming!
On the podcast this week I'm talking about how you can create habits that eliminate stress. I talk about how to:
All this gives you and your team quick ways to get a sense of achievement which eliminates the stress and boost positivity and performance.
Listen into this third podcast in the mini-series about stress. As we come to the end of November's stress awareness week I'm sharing details about changing habits, supporting you and your teams to think differently, be more positive and reduce the worrying.
I'm also sharing some of the common pitfalls that a lot of individuals are experiencing when working from home, but also sharing the feedback I received on two corporate webinars.
Hear about how powerful and supportive it was when people on my webinar began to share their experiences which was helpful to others who attended too.
You can also hear about the simple tools and techniques to increase your self esteem, your feel good chemicals so that you get a sense of achievement, which in turn, increases your motivation.
Please do make sure you hit ‘subscribe’ so that don’t miss an episode.
If you haven’t yet left a review, please do go and find the little button to leave a review and let me know your thoughts, key take-aways and what you value from the podcast.
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If you want to be increasing your performance so that you’re more resilient in these current times, so that you can focus easily, use tools and techniques to deal with all the current and unknown challenges then make sure that you either drop me an email to . Or head over to my website and you can find the contact page and either send me a email from there or book an appointment straight into my diary – saving all that to-ing and fro-ing that you get when we try to get space in people’s diary.