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Jan 16, 2020

This week I'm talking about how to boost your mood.

The third Monday of January is known as Blue Monday - the most depressing day of the year apparently!  This is because Christmas is over, the credit card bills come in and often there's not much to look forward to.  Sounds a bit doom and gloom doesn't it.

These three key areas are where you can focus and increase your feel-good chemicals to boost your mood.

"I was surprised when companies told me their staff talk more these days about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and want help with their staff for this"

Get Back Into Routine

You might think you're in your routine, and that might mean the times in the day are in a routine back at work - but if you're still feeling sluggish and eating up the Christmas chocolate then it will affect energy.

Sometimes it's a bit of effort to do the usual routine things because it's dark and cold.

Putting in a little bit of effort will give a bigger pay-off to boost your mood and get you fully back into the routine.

Make sure you get enough sleep too.  Let's face it, we can cope with anything when we've had a good night's sleep.

Boost Your Feel Good Chemicals

Find small things you're pleased about.  That might be noticing the daylight a little earlier in the day.  This can boost your mood.

Keep the blinds open in the office to let more light in as possible.

Create interactions so that you boost your feel good chemicals.  It is a hibernation period and smile at people, say hello to people you see frequently.  I do this with other dog walkers.  We are social mammals and it lifts our spirits.


Do Some Exercise

This is not necessarily join the gym so that you’re increasing the credit card spend!!!  Getting out for a lunchtime walk means that you’re making the most of any of the daylight that’s around.

Physical exercise is linked to good mental health too.  We need both.


If you want to talk to me about sorting out your goals and plans for 2020 then book a call here


Get your tickets for the #TalkingTruths - Female Leadership Event

Two of the speakers have been on the podcast previously, heres the links to their shows.

Gemma Stow

Susie Ramroop