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Dec 12, 2019

This week, Emma is talking about what will help you deal with the pressure that can build up in the lead up to Christmas so that it runs as smoothly as possible for you.

She's been hearing from her clients about the pressure of the Christmas holidays and need to get everything finished and completed before Christmas. 

Deal with Overwhelm and get stuff out of your head.  Get the overwhelm guide here.

"Write a list - it's good enough for Santa, so you can do it too!"

"Put your biggest task at the top of your list and do the emergency or most difficult, the sense of achievement means the other things are so much easier".

Be Kind to Yourself and to other people.

"We should be wrapped up and hibernating at this time of year, so give yourself a break and use positive language"

"We have mirror neurons that mean we mirror what we see around us and so can be grumpy and negative if faced with that from others"

"When you smile your body naturally relaxes"

Lets Talk about Gifts

"what gift can you give to someone else?"

"the biggest gift you can give is the gift of time"

Give someone some time, have a chat, say hello

Emma tells a story of how she speaks to a lady at the bus stop every single day.  It can really help boost the feel good chemicals.

Ask for Help

"people are happy to assist if you ask for help"

"it's about keeping boundaries in place so that you can ask for help and also say no, if you need to - even Santa has helpers"

This is your holiday too, so as you get into the lead-up for the holidays think about what you want to achieve and what you need to do beforehand.  Hopefully this gives you a few actionable tips that get you feeling better about the holiday.

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Get in touch with Emma here

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