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Dec 17, 2020

Mental health and wellbeing doesn’t have a holiday at Christmastime.  More so this year  - it’s important to take care of your wellbeing.

Top 10 Tips for Fantastic Festive Wellbeing

I’m sharing 10 quick and easy tips to help you stay well and enjoy the festivities.

Listen in for life experiences, personal stories...

Dec 10, 2020

How do you prevent the pre Christmas slump?

  • People are often de-motivated or distracted with xmas
  • December is the shortest working month there’s the pressure to get things done before the  ‘big break’
  • If your people are already feeling isolated and disconnected how will that impact them when they’ve got the...

Dec 3, 2020

This week I'm sharing why it's important that we stay connected in the workplace and how to make that happen in pandemic times.

Think about it, if people feel disconnected then they get stressed and fed up, they feel undervalued, struggle to cope or feel isolated.  If that happens how will that impact how they feel...

Nov 26, 2020

Why You Need a Winter Wellbeing Plan

Many people are talking about feeling low, fed up and struggling. That’s why I’m talking this week about why you need a winter wellbeing plan in your organisation, what you can do to get that started AND how you, as an individual, can boost your winter wellbeing and what are they...

Nov 15, 2020

How Does Kindness Increase Performance?

Kindness is not about being weak and fluffy!

This week I'm sharing how kindness increases morale and raises self esteem and so it has a positive impact on mood and performance.

I also share how the contagious effect of kindness works so that you get increase performance as well as...