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Jul 8, 2021

Martin Roberts is a Wellbeing Lead in Lloyds Banking Group and recently set up his own company Keep In Mind.

You’re going to love listening to him, I know I do, and we talk about how to get beyond ‘’I’m Fine’’ or ‘’I’m Okay’’.  We both share some personal experiences to give you real life approaches that work.


Martin’s journey has driven him to significantly raise the profile of mental health and wellbeing at every opportunity. Through both his role as an award winning Mental Health Lead within Lloyds Banking Group and as founder of Keep in Mind Ltd, Martin shares talks, presentation and strategy plans on mental health and wellbeing subjects.



Martin shares briefly how he had his own mental health challenges and was frightened to tell anyone he was struggling.

He did the most important thing and said 3 important words.  I need help.

This journey from there led him to be a Mental health Lead at Lloyds Bank Group and start his own business called Keep in Mind.



  • Why we don’t need a suit of armour
  • Need to be our true selves
  • Create an environment for colleagues to be able to have a conversation
  • We need to bring the whole person to work.
  • Listen differently
  • How the rollercoaster of covid is continuing
  • Why silence is absolutely golden and how to use it well
  • If you can only do one thing, listen for the one thing that Martin thinks we need to do.
  • Ask Twice

These are not just for the workplace – it’s for friends, family and anyone else you know too.

Finally, remember Martin’s key phrase – it’s not life changing – it could be life saving.


Martin offers bespoke talks, presentations and strategy design so get in touch if you need that.

Get in touch with me for leadership coaching, wellbeing training and workshops that help you communicate well, support your people, reduce the stressors and increase resilience so that you too can have the potential to create that ripple effect we talked about.


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If you want to be increasing your performance so that you’re more resilient in these current times, so that you can focus easily, use tools and techniques to deal with all the current and unknown challenges then make sure that you either drop me an email to .   Or head over to my website at and you can find the contact page and either send me a email from there or book an appointment straight into my diary – saving all that to-ing and fro-ing that you get when we try to get space in people’s diary.