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Jul 1, 2021

Listen in whilst I share the reasons that listening is so important for leaders.  It doesn’t necessarily come naturally to us.


I share

👂 The benefits of honing your listening skills

👂 Some information that may help you understand why leaders find listening tough

👂 My 8 top tips to help you improve your listening skills

👂 Including the whacky but really effective one I’ve been sharing with my clients and in my workshops for year.

Listening is a skill that can only be learned and refined through social interaction

Pick just one to practice for a week and see if you notice the difference.


Genuine listening is such an important skills for leaders.  It helps build relationships, solve problems, ensure understanding, resolve conflicts, and improve accuracy.

When I trained as a therapist, then later a coach there’s a TON of importance put on listening.

It’s about listening to hear, listening to understand, not just hearing the issue or listening to fix.


Listening is a critical part of building good relationships.

When you take the time to listen to someone, really take the time to listen properly; it shows you value the person, which is the ultimate form of respect. If you look bored or interrupt the person while speaking, you’re showing that you don’t really care what the person has to say.

To become an effective leader, listen to my tough to hear advice about what might be stopping you listening.

Active Listening

I explain what active listening really means

Then I 8 simple but additional ways to help improve your listening skills.

Pick one of these to practice for a week and let me know how you get on.

Listening is the most important skill a leader can have. It is the basis of so many other skills and traits that make up a leader. So be sure to make improving your listening skills a priority.


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If you want to be increasing your performance so that you’re more resilient in these current times, so that you can focus easily, use tools and techniques to deal with all the current and unknown challenges then make sure that you either drop me an email to .   Or head over to my website at and you can find the contact page and either send me a email from there or book an appointment straight into my diary – saving all that to-ing and fro-ing that you get when we try to get space in people’s diary.