Jul 29, 2021
We can often forget to celebrate successes and this can have a negative impact on our teams.
Listen in for 4 key areas that are impacted - in a good way - when we celebrate success.
There's tips and ideas to help you think about how you can quickly and easily and celebrate successes within your workplace or your team.
We often talk about carrot or stick approach to motivation. I don’t need to explain about how much effort it would take you as a manager or leaders to keep beating a stick at someone. Compare it to how much effort it will take for you to dangle a carrot and have them do the work to reach the carrot.
Don’t let the different way of working stop you seeing successes.
Apparently the no 1 reason people are unhappy isn’t about their pay it’s about how valued they feel. When leaders and managers don’t acknowledge a persons’ contribution, effort, progress, help or support, then people get to the why bother attitude.
By celebrating successes you’re uplifting the positivity in the team. You’re helping them to keep their eye on the things that go well rather than the things that are not done or that didn’t go well. Instead we’re focussing on achievement.
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